Google SEO Tips and Tactics

Website Structure

The way your website has been developed affects how search engine ‘spiders’ are able to find your site and effectively rank it.  This is based on assumption that your website is in a position to be indexed by the ‘spiders’ and all the links are accessible and that none of your content is invisible due to poor web development. This does not necessarily mean that your website is not optimized.

Search engines will normally rank content based on the way the codes you have used appears on your website.  For example the search engine will give more priority to the navigation if it happens to appear higher in the code than your website content. The main aim will therefore be to have your important pages appear higher on the code than the pages that are not so critical to your website. Keywords will normally be placed on  the content area than the other pages, therefore they are easily optimized.

For this reason you may want the main content of the page be higher in the code than the other non-critical pages. If you have an image based navigation, then this will be absolutely true.

Depending on how your website was constructed, the method of having it high on search engine rankings differs; if your website wasn’t built using tables, then it would be much easier to work with it. If need more help in optimizing your site, then there are many do it yourself, websites that have great articles and content that can assist you in getting started, alternatively you can hire a SEO Professional to do this for you. With a professional developer, it will take a fraction of a second to do this, but of course it will depend on the resources you have, time and whether you want to acquire new skills in developing websites on your own.

Article Optimization

Article optimization or content optimization is meant to improve your website on search engines rankings. To effectively do this, there are three key elements that you must look at. These are:

• Number of Keywords (Keyword density)

• Content format

• Content relevance Other factors that can help you in higher Google rankings include and are not limited;

• Link building

• Social networking

• Link baiting

Getting Google put your website high on its rankings takes time and patience. If you are ready to spend time however complex the process might be, success can be achievable.  If you are not, then you can as well pave way for other persons that are ready to make a commitment.

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