Some Misconceptions about Search Engine Optimisation

Do you want to get involved in search engine optimization? There are lots of things you need to put into consideration. Lots of misconceptions are going round about how search engine optimization works. This simple write up is put together to warn you against those misconceptions so that you do not put unnecessary pressure on your search engine optimizers.

Rome was never built in a day

Some online marketers want their optimized sites to be on top of search engines the same day the optimizer works on it. You need to know that this is completely impracticable. Your site will never be on top the same way it is SEOed. It may actually take several months before it makes top list. Google for example has put some delays in place that ensure new sites do not get to the top of search engines. Aside the SEO work you have done on your site, you are expected to also gain some credibility before you are given the top position.

Content alone will not do

If you think all that is needed to get on top is just quality content, you may be out for a rude shock. Getting on top is not just about content. It is also about credibility. Before you are ‘promoted’ by the search engines, other reliable and credible sites need to ‘certify’ you. How is this done? Links to those other sites need to appear on your website for Google and several other search engines to consider you for a place at the top.

Putting things together the right way

For your site’s content to win you a place on top of search engines, the content needs to be put together in a specific way. Keywords, key phrases, meta-tags and other things need to be strategically placed in the content so that it will make meaning to search engines.   The keyword should appear in the title and the first paragraph. It should also appear in the last paragraph and sprinkled in other parts of the content.  No paying through the nose

Many webmasters are of the opinion that search engine optimizers charge them too high for the SEO work on their sites. But in comparison with other methods of traffic generation SEO happens to be the least expensive. The amount you have to pay is far below what you will pay for pay per click or pay per impression campaign.